Thursday, August 30, 2012


Summer flew, as it does.  Thought I had better get these pictures/memories on here before I have a blog lapse again [hopefully not going to happen!]  We had a lot of fun this summer.. but also had some hiccups!

We had library trips and park trips..

A fun trip to Arkansas to hang out with friends. Kids had a blast in this arcade, went bowling and kids rode go karts for the first time!

                                                    Fourth of July was a lot of fun :]
                                                      We lit a lantern for my Papa <3>
                                                And thoroughly enjoyed 4 packages of sparklers!
 Play dates!
And a broken wrist :[

     And a BIG four year old Birthday!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Well, that's been the general consensus of the summer, and I don't only mean our wallets. 
If you live anywhere in USA, you know by now.. it's HOT.  Unbelievably so!  Our garden we worked hard on shrivelled up.  Our grass all died and turned to hay.  All the critters, bugs, animals are out scavenging for food because everything is so dry!  Back in June, when Tony was driving home from work at 1 AM, he hit a deer on the highway going about 70 mph... So, there went car #1.  After spending weeks in the shop car #2 blew a headgasket... so we actually got a double tow that day, classy.  4 days later Tony did a U-turn and ol' little red couldn't handle that... and there went car #3.  Being broke down, carless, ever needing transportation, dependent and anticipating the $$$$ car bill... let's just say June was stressful.

Ahh, sweet relief!  We finally got 2 cars up and running, looked like July was really going to shape up.  Sebastian's birthday was coming, my birthday was coming, we were spending 4 nights a week at the pool... life was good.  Our friends Kat and Max flew in to see their family in AR from California.  They went to SDC one day and totally made a detour to come see us.  Awesome!  Of course, 10 minutes into baby snuggles and catching up, Olivia jumpes OFF the trampoline...annnd breaks her wrist.  She's one tough kid, who only shed a few tears and patiently waited during our 3 hour trip at Urgent Care.  Good for her, the doctors told us she broke it "just right".  Honestly, it was the thought of no more swimming, sprinkler-ing, jumping or playig on the monkey bars that hurt her more than the broken wrist did.

After things settled down with Olivia's newfound handicap [Right handed girl broke her right wrist and is casted up to her bicep!] next came Sebastian's birthday.  Now this is the first year that he has been able to fully grasp what Birthday's are, but boy howdy does he know now!  July 15th is HIS day guys, don't even think otherwise!!  One of Sebastian's sweet, sometimes exhausting, quirks is that he becomes very fixated on things he loves.. ie: Birthday.  We had a countdown from the week leading up to his birthday, and this was repeated many, many times a day.  When the big day came, everyone chipped in to make it extra awesome for him.  We had a family breakfast..and presents.  Bud & Walts pizza for lunch with Nana & Ron, Gigi, and Aunt Kori and Uncle Adam made surprise visits from Kansas & Kansas City, respectively!  Pizza was good, family time was great... oh, and don't forget more presents!  Then orange leaf and home so Uncle Adam, I mean Sebastian.. could play with his new legos! ;]  Then.. party time.  When the doorbell first rang and he opened it up to 5 excited children his face just LIT up the room and he squealed, "Mom! My Friends! My Friends are here for my Birthday!" It was so sweet, and the only time I cried that day.:]  The biggest hit was the slip n slide and the pinata.. oh, and more presents.  After everyone went home we cranked up the music entirely too loud and crazy danced our hearts out in the living room.  It was one of those blissful moments not to be forgotten... the kids were hopped up on party favors and Special Requested 2 Tier Strawberry Gluten Free Cake.. and Mom and Dad were hopped up on party planning, too much partying for one day and delusional sleepiness, but it made me so happy that although my kids are rapidly growing, and my baby had just turned 4.. they weren't quite too big to be picked up and twilled around, time and time again.

About a week post birthday, Sebastian had a major crash-and-burn that involved toe walking, sprinting, flip flops and a concrete driveway.  We ended up at the same urgent care where by now I am sure they are having their suspicions regarding my parenting skills.. everyone scoffed at me for bringing him in, but with a goosegg the size of Montana and instant purple bruising, I wasn't going to take the chance.  But everything checked out and now we have two in the healing process!

Which brings us to August.  School is next week [HOLY COW!] and my little pre-k and 1st grader are more than ready!  We've met teachers, orientated, and now just ready for Tuesday.  It's going to be a fabulous year, I think I am as excited for them!!
