Friday, January 25, 2013

.Faery Fiasco

Sometimes, being a parent is just hard.

That, or sometimes I just screw it up.
Or both.

Thankfully I have a wonderful relationship with my kids so if I do anything to scar them, maybe they will forgive me later in professional counselling. ;]

So, as for the title of the post! Ms. Olivia lost her 5th tooth!
[may I interject I don't remember all of my teeth falling out super close together. Then again, I really only remember 2 tooth instances, so apparently the others weren't that exciting]

It's the third tooth she has lost at school.  They come home with them in this cute little "tooth necklace" [not pictured, and you will know why later!].
Well the last lost tooth, Olivia wanted to "clean" it for the tooth faery after I adamently explained she had her own tooth cleaning machine and would take care of it.
"But Mom, she shouldn't touch other people's blood. That's gross and has germs"
You know the story. Small child, running water, teeeeny tiny tooth. Down the drain it went.
And Olivia was crushed.
But she has this fun little ritual of writing to every made up holiday creature [IE: Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Faery..] Each one gets their note, cookies [or a carrot, or a tooth] and those silly creatures continue to write her back on scraps of paper in handwriting that looks nothing like Mom's.
It's a sweet tradition and I cherish it.
So last time she wrote Ms. Faery explaining about her tooth and the drain and gave her directions to find it in which bathroom, etc. It was hilarious. She was soo excited to find her note the next morning with the Faery dictating how fun the drain was to "slide down like a waterslide" and she got the tooth and it's safe and sound and yada yada. She hasn't stopped talking about it.
So this tooth, bless it, was lost on a playdate with their Papa and Brenda.  Brenda wasn't able to bring herself to tell Olivia of said lost tooth [she was in charge of the tooth necklace while fun was being had] and said she was going to "show it to Mom when she gets home and Mom will put it under the pillow"... Nice save. Except Mom forgot. And Mom left Olivia's note to the Faery and the empty bag and some forgotten bills... on the kitchen table.  Very... "Un Faery Like"
The look on Olivia's face as she gathered these bits and pieces that should be neatly tucked under her pillow tied up with a cute ribbon and a fancy note or something. She said,
"Man the tooth Faery must have been in a hurry! but Mom, why wouldn't she have wrote me back?"
So one last time, I had to pull the wool over her eyes.  As she came out from getting ready for school
"Oh Olivia, what's that that fell down under the table?"
She's got me all figured out, I can see it in her eyes.  We are both terrible liars.  But she wanted to believe me so very badly that she wore a huge smile
and let it make her day anyway.
Gosh, I love that kid. :]
All is well. I haphazardly saved the crisis.
She took her note to Show and Tell.
And Sebastian's been asking me to see if his teeth are wiggly all day.


Sunday, January 20, 2013


Everything in Moderation.

 If we all would abide by this incredibly healthy and helpful piece of advice... well... we would probably all be more healthy, and helpful.

As much as I thoroughly enjoy keeping up with people, hearing about their successes, being invited to pray and meditate them through a stressful situation, keep up to date with who is having babies and birthday parties, have first knowledge to shows I will find myself front row at, etc etc. I have to take a step back.  This winter season has brought a lot of concentration on myself. Healing and helping myself so I can be a healer and help others.  Being absolutely positive I am getting the most out of each day, celebrating the tiniest moments with my beautiful family.  Nothing is more positive and healthy than that.

I love nothing more than communication with all of my friends and family.  Everyone lives their own lives and sharing it with others from a distance can be time consuming and difficult. I'm desperately trying to eliminate the unnecessary stressors out of my day, but hope to not lose closeness.  So join me in this space, give us a call or come share our space at home! But for a period I'm going to leave facebook and all it's busyness and focus on some very exciting things... in real life :].

Enjoy your moment. Embrace the quiet. Manifest peace. Just Be. 

Love, C


Friday, January 18, 2013


How 2012 whizzed by without me noticing, I'll never know. Just left the dust swirling in it's trail, and me running to catch up.

I hold a lot of stock in this year, and not letting it slip by. It seems something monumental has happened every year since about graduation.. last year we just lived, which is absolutely okay with me.

For the latter part of 2012, I had focused on the wrong things.  Well, maybe not wrong, but out of order in general.  I've always said I need change, I embrace change. 
Truth me told? I'm a liar.
Change scares me shitless.
I do enjoy the thought of it, but it's the process that terrifies me

Revamping Now. Changing myself, before I worry about demographics, careers, etc.
The big stuff can come later, because
the small stuff needs attention now.
Like rides on the new bikes.
And door to door girl scout cookie sales.
And long conversations with friends
Yoga and meditation.
Loving and Passing it On.
Paying it Forward.
Dates on the Couch with my husband.
The rest can wait.

[[Worry Less. Stress Less.]]
Drink more water.
Stretch Daily, both in body and Mind.
Live each day wholly.
Give adequate attention where needed.
Careful not to squander precious hours.
Leave guilt and regret.
Choose Happiness.
And don't apologize for it.
