Sunday, January 20, 2013


Everything in Moderation.

 If we all would abide by this incredibly healthy and helpful piece of advice... well... we would probably all be more healthy, and helpful.

As much as I thoroughly enjoy keeping up with people, hearing about their successes, being invited to pray and meditate them through a stressful situation, keep up to date with who is having babies and birthday parties, have first knowledge to shows I will find myself front row at, etc etc. I have to take a step back.  This winter season has brought a lot of concentration on myself. Healing and helping myself so I can be a healer and help others.  Being absolutely positive I am getting the most out of each day, celebrating the tiniest moments with my beautiful family.  Nothing is more positive and healthy than that.

I love nothing more than communication with all of my friends and family.  Everyone lives their own lives and sharing it with others from a distance can be time consuming and difficult. I'm desperately trying to eliminate the unnecessary stressors out of my day, but hope to not lose closeness.  So join me in this space, give us a call or come share our space at home! But for a period I'm going to leave facebook and all it's busyness and focus on some very exciting things... in real life :].

Enjoy your moment. Embrace the quiet. Manifest peace. Just Be. 

Love, C


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