Thursday, April 28, 2011

.Easter [&such]

Well, I've been trying to post for a week now. Unfortunately my computer charger shorted out [third one we've had!] so we have had a dead laptop all week. Lame. But it finally arrived today!

So, a week late, Easter was fabulous this year :] It was fun having Olivia to get really excited about the Easter Bunny, and th
e look on both their faces in the morning was priceless! I love the way Sebastian says "Jellyweens" and how much Olivia loves her little stuffed bunny :].

We went to Mom's for a lovely lunch
. We stuffed ourselves and let the kids have their egg hunt [indoors, due to the rain!]. Sebastian didn't want to put his eggs in the basket, he had to keep them all in his hands and pockets, ha! He didn't get many, but didn't mind. After egg 4 he realized there was candy in them so he sat down and started to munch out.

We dyed eggs this year, I don't recall ever dying eggs personally and e
veryone seemed to think that was weird. It was fun, but of course my countertops ended up a nice shade of pink/blue/orange ;]. PS. Baking soda works WONDERS for stains! Our eggs Benedict:

This week has flown by, cannot believe tomorrow is Friday..
For one, WHO WAS EXCITED TO SEE THE SUN TODAY?! Heck yes. Literally, almost 2 solid weeks of rain. The Finley is flooded throughout Ozark again, Lake Taneycomo took out a lot of Branson/Hollister/Forsyth. The rising water even swept away Bass Pro's b
oat dock on the landing, it floated all the way to the dam in about 1 1/2 hours!
So Monday I had the meeting with Nixa schools, Sebastian was accepted into their preschool program! It was all very exciting and extremely nerve-wracking for me. They told me they would send me his "school supplies list" and "bus schedule" this summer. Tears fell :[ My baby boy? Going to SCHOOL?! no way :[

Today I wrote two bonds! YAHOOO! After finding out our company name is being slandered and "the competition" is going through phone books [that we pay $$$$'s a year for!] and marking out our ad's and writing their phone numbers. REALLY?! Is this middle school? Did you just give me a mustache in the yearbook? I mean COME ON.

All in all it has been a wonderful week. The kids are so full of energy and finally got to go out to play in the gorgeous weather today! I hope it stays for tomorrow,better yet for the weekend.

I've been exhausted lately with no good reason. This Mama needs some energy! And to probably lay off the morning coffee...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have inspiration flooding me from every corner of my life and I am SO in love.
The blog world has given me a sense of love and appreciation for things I have taken for granted. Also, a slew of insight and knowledge into things I dreamt, but never thought I could do.

I have been a slacker this week, and to tell you the truth the week just was not in my favor. But I broke out the acrylics tonight and got to work on my art journal, found some inspiring posts to help decorate Olivia's room and my kitchen, began to make my dress, and am working on de-stressing. There is so much world out there to see, it breaks my heart that I am stuck in this tiny corner of Missouri [not exactly the corner, but whatevs]. Then I turn to the internet and find SO many lovely things I can create and do and see, all from home. What a wonderful thing we have here!

My family has been such a strongpoint for me as of late. Just last night Grandma called up and said she made a slew of food and to get over quick to get some. Of course ate up everything in sight, [except the roast!] and Tony, Sebastian and Molly got to enjoy leftovers too. Travis comes into town tomorrow [haven't seen him in over a year!] and tons of family including my other brother & his lovely girlfriend [two of my favorite people :)] and fun cousins coming to Mom's for Easter. We get Olivia this weekend for two weeks. Sebastian is going to have a hayday having his big sister here again. I swear, this kid was NOT meant to be an only child and it's a shame Olivia isn't here always. My mother in law and I have concert plans in May [and hopefully adding to the list!] and I have had fun writing letters back & forth to Monique in Portugal all the while missing her pretty face. I am just so, so very fortunate. All of these wonderful, inspiring people in my life to love. I could write a chapter on each one and how they impact me, but for space, I won't. Just know they each bring me something I cannot imagine my life without. Thankful.

I have [few] truly amazing friends in my life currently. These women are growing on their own path, all the while teaching me amazing life lessons, helping me grow as a person, and being an extension of myself while giving me another's perspective. Ah, the love!

I hope to make some new friends in this blogging world, because there are some really amazing people out there doing amazing things that I would love to be a part of. I hope to gain some new Mom friends to share similar child-rearing [I've always hated that expression! ;)] experiences.

Goals that have been inspired this week...

*GET ORGANIZED! [this will forever and ever be a daily, hourly goal. one day, i'll be the super mom that has everything, just so. For now, I will be the one who knows just where everything is in my mess, and is too busy living life (or browsing the internet;]) instead of organizing it. -great justification, right?!]

*Begin and STICK WITH a morning routine [hard for me who wants to stay up all night, but I know I will feel so productive waking up early!]

*Stop worrying [will never work, but I can sure try ;)]

<3 C

Monday, April 18, 2011


Sometimes life throws these obstacles that seem to bury us, but I believe each person has their own saving grace, if only they dig deep enough to grasp onto the end of that rope, to be pulled out from under. Mine comes in curly-headed form, by the name of Sebastian Kale.
There is something incredible about creating such
perfection. It's as if all of our flaws and impurities are put aside for our offspring.
I cherish this time with Sebastian. It's Spring and he is learning about how thing grow, rebirth, start over... today he learned ab
out Mama Bird. I tried to get him close but Mama B was protective of her eggs, understandable.. so he wasn't able to grasp the full concept. He did appropriately ask, tho, " Are You My Mother? "

It's amazing what this little man can do. As he grows, my spirit grows along with him. The challenge of having children young is you haven't quite figured out who you are yet... then they are here and it is no longer about your growth. My energy and thoughts are riveted by him and for two years I have been at ease with this. But as Sebastian's own mind grows, and it is no longer solely about basic needs being met, I have come to understand that I need to cultivate my own self, find out what will make me flourish.. as this and only this, will make me the best mother and role model to my son.
But most
importantly [to me], the lesson I am so very thankful to have learned at a young age, is we must not let life pass us by. We must cherish and revere the small things in this life we are given, for they are the most worthwhile. We must celebrate BIG and never accept that we cannot achieve what we desire.
It is these miniscule seconds that are missed in a blink, a turn on a head, a distracted stare.. these are the moments I am desperately trying to soak in and relish.

We mustn't forget to Stop and Smell the Flowers. Or Even the Weeds.... because it is these that mak
e life what it is, and make it truly ours.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Whelll Herrooo!

I've been wanting/meaning to post for the past few days... but quite frankly life has gotten in the way.. which is fine with me!

This week has been gorgeous. Mother nature is stunning me with her beauty!! My yard is an overgrown crazy jungle [mower man doesn't come until friday! Surprised we haven't had a complaint yet, ha!] but honestly, I love it. We are overrun with purple and white flowers taking up more of the yard than the grass. The dandelions are SO TALL and Sebastian just has a blast picking them and bringing them to me to 'Bwow' [blow :)]. I have a gorgeous lilac bush, 3 Redbud trees, and all the tulips Olivia and I planted are coming up! I will have to get out to take a few pictures.

Sebastian and I have been outside every second we could get the last few days. In fact, we have been to the park 5 times in the past 3 that's some dedicated play time!! Took a much needed long walk with the family today, got McAlister's for lunch [pricey, yet delicious!] and got a sunburn! Sebastian decided our shed was a barn [it really does look like one, ha!] and pretended to be all the animals you would find in a barn.. SO SWEET! His imagination is seriously kicking into gear!! I love that he makes things talk to each other and has little scenarios for them.. he is going to be imagination overload just like his sister.. just the way I like it! He has taken to Olivia's babydolls by feeding, washing, and putting them to bed everyday [oh and did I mention he LOVES barbies?!] LOL but that's just fine with me. He will make a great daddy one day ;]]

I have always said Summer was my favorite, but this year it has changed. I have enjoyed more beauty of Spring this year than any other season at any other point in my life. I know from here on out, gardening is going to become a passion. Also, just driving I see SO MANY baby animals, EVERYWHERE! Spring is really a rebirth for the world [or our half of it ;)] and it is a gorgeous thing. Gives a fresh start for all things. This Spring I plan to gather as much inspiration from Mother Nature and let it gooooo, just like those sweet dandelions in the wind. :D

Another reason I wanted to post... this past weekend we had an AMAZING time in Lawrence, KS & Kansas City, MO! We went to see That 1 Guy && got to catch half of the Beats Antique show! Got to meet 'That 1 Guy' as we were buying tickets when he got to the venue, and talked to one of the guys from Beats Antique after the show! Such rad people who are truly appreciative of people who will pay money to come see them! Of course, the live music moved me. And I don't mean bouncing up and down a little bit.. I mean moved me. Physically, emotionally.. moved my soul. I honestly felt a little euphoria [or was that the beer? ;)] being in front of live music again. I could feel it and it transcribed in my very being.. placing itself just where I needed it most. Usually I get post-show blues, with having a kid we don't get to get out much and I always know as the show comes to a close that it will be a while before I get another dose... but this time I left with inspiration, enlightenment & joy in my heart..and the want to get back into making music of my own and connect with some people with like-spirits.

Work has been frustrating this week, but I don't even care. It's these little things that I love..


Thursday, April 7, 2011


"... These are a few of my favorite things..."

Oooo I really hate that musical. I was in it in my freshman year in college and I despised nothing more!

I've been in the mood to blog, but nothing much to say. Don't you hate that?! I feel like I could write a book... I'm just lacking the topic. How sad. This causes me to reflect on all sorts of crazy things... like how my life needs a new direction. If only I could make this happen on hopes and dreams.

I feel like a wanderer lately. I have tried to close my mouth, open my ears.. and brain.. soak up some of this world and take inspiration from it. Well, i have found much inspiration, but no direction to take with it. Something will come of it... it just has to. I understand sitting back and doing nothing won't help, but trying to work [trying, being the key word], raising a toddler, dealing with some major [unavoidable] stressors.. I find myself in the position of: stuck.

Let's hope this doesn't last...

I can give myself the push [or giant shove] I need... but into what? To where?

I've heard the "lost" feeling dwindles a bit as you make it through your 20's. I can only hope and dream. I only assumed by now I would have so much of a better idea of where I'm going. Don't get me wrong, life changed in a BIG way 3 years ago... and now I know 100% that I am Mama to the most gorgeous boy in the world, wife to a pretty handsome guy, and family to most I meet. And it isn't that that is not enough, I just have so much more to give.. but I need to direct my energy, my love.

SO. As I said, I have nothing to write about [..much about NOTHING, don't you see?] I figured I would start with a few of my favorites. Just randoms!

Fav sight: Sebastian's smile. Earth's gorgeous glow!
Fav sound: my boy's laugh. LIVE MUSIC!
Fav smell: chocolate chip cookies, slightly burnt ;] fires [intentional ones of course!]
Fav taste: anything sweet!
Fav feel: feathertop mattress underneath, a worn quilt on open. preferably a cuddle buddy :]
Fav color: all of 'em. I'm a colorful person. If I have to pick, I choose Green!
Fav restaurant: hmmm. Cheddar's. Seriously, so. good. [and cheap!] and Maria's! [not so cheap!]
Fav fruit: bananas & peaches
Fav veggie: carrots & avacados.
Fav movie: RENT
Fav theatre production I've worked in: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare..Abridged.
Fav subject: Playwriting
Fav book: A Million Little Pieces
Fav exercise: Dance
Fav season: anything above 60 degrees
Fav splurge: cute clothes for Sebastian, bags
Fav store: Thrift :]
Fav job: I haven't had one of those..yet. ;]
Fav past time: Discussions with intriguing people

Welp, that's all I can think of for now. And all your little eyes are probably willing to read. It's officially Friday [do NOT get that song stuck in your head!] Let's make the most of it!

<3 C

Monday, April 4, 2011



I brag about my kid a lot.

But really, you would too!

Just wanted to show you my favorite picture I've captured of Sebastian. This was probably 3 months ago... but it seriously is PERFECT.

Oh me, oh my. Those eyes. Those lips. That hair!

I am truly, madly, deeply in love.


Well, this is try #3 for this post.. and it has changed everytime I try to write it! For some reason, technology hates me. We [technology and I] are at constant battle.. I don't believe I was meant to operate a computer, cell phone, mp3 or TV. Thankfully, Pandora works 99% of the time, so imma stick with that :]

I know it is monday buttt....

Man am I ready for the weekend!!!

Tony and I are celebrating our 1 year anniversary a week early this weekend, by travelling to Lawrence, KS to see

*That 1 Guy

&& [hopefully]

*Beats Antique

Live music, here we come!!!

It's been entirely too long since our last show together. Live music is a must for me, an outlet, a passion, a love interest. I'm excited to check out Lawrence seeing as neither Tony nor I have been there.. it's fun to explore a place you've never been... even if it is somewhere in Kansas.. ;].

The weekend was a good one, even if my boy is still kind of sickly. I hope he will be feeling better ASAP. He is such a doll, I hate for him to be in pain. He has moved to 2-word sentences which makes this mama JUMP for joy! He is funny tho, at some points you can't tear him away from his activity without wails and cries, other times he just wants to go-go-go. Guess that is part of toddlerhood.. but heck I'm like that, too! We visited Grandma in Waco, MO on Saturday, and picnic at Busiek for Sunday. Gorgeous weather that I wish had held out [we are back down in the 40's!..but hopes of 70 by the end of the week]

Word for this dreary Monday is MOTIVATION! Because I neeeed soma that! I literally have a scary amount of laundry awaiting me at home that must get folded and put away. Also I need to do some re-organizing of the kitchen and craft room to make more space. Let's see what I get done!

Favorite pic of the weekend, my gorgeous <3Family<3

Friday, April 1, 2011

.April Fools

It would be nice to awake tomorrow knowing that today was a joke, but alas. No. That seems awfully dramatic, I didn't mean it that way, but it honestly wasn't a very good day. Remember the screaming post? From yesterday? Yeah this Mama has her tail between her legs, head down low and a shoulder full of guilt. Sebastian is sick. Again. I am quick to be hard on myself. Of course that's why he's been screaming. But of course, as the mother of a 2 year old, I couldn't have known that. Maybe I could have guessed, but not known for sure until the good ol' urgent care doc told me. And let me disclaim, Sebastian is always a screamer, not just this sick week. But still. Another trip to urgent care, another ear infection. Another round of antibiotics, another unhappy baby. My heart hurts. I cannot stand when my baby is sick. Especially because he has fought ear infections since birth, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why him. But of course, many other babies are MUCH more sick, so we should be thankful. It's just sad to see someone so helpless hurt so much. But I got him to eat dinner, so I feel like I'm mom of the year, HA! Hopefully he will be better before I know it. So, on a HAPPIER note! I am big on dates. I like to document things in life and love to look back at them. Well... two years ago TODAY, Mr. Benedict proposed :]. It was totally informal, he was completely scared, and did it in SUCH an "April Fool's" way I was mad at first, ha! We were on our back porch enjoying one of the first nice evenings of the year [much like tonight!] and he said "So... I have something to tell you.." in that "Uhm, I'm about to REALLY make you mad" kind of voice... Tony said my face "looked like I smelled a fart" [nice, huh?!] then he pulled out the ringbox, got a HUGE smile and asked the magic question. Ok, so hardly romantic, but pretty appropriate! I made sure it wasn't a plastic ring and a real April Fool's, then of course said Yes! Our One Year wedding anniversary is on the 17th of this month. Although we are too poor to do anything too exciting, and couldn't get Elton John tickets, we are excited! That's all for today. I hope everyone had a good April Fool's Day! Hope no one got fooled too bad. I was going to get Tony really good but with the sick baby scare this morning, it was hardly appropriate!