Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have inspiration flooding me from every corner of my life and I am SO in love.
The blog world has given me a sense of love and appreciation for things I have taken for granted. Also, a slew of insight and knowledge into things I dreamt, but never thought I could do.

I have been a slacker this week, and to tell you the truth the week just was not in my favor. But I broke out the acrylics tonight and got to work on my art journal, found some inspiring posts to help decorate Olivia's room and my kitchen, began to make my dress, and am working on de-stressing. There is so much world out there to see, it breaks my heart that I am stuck in this tiny corner of Missouri [not exactly the corner, but whatevs]. Then I turn to the internet and find SO many lovely things I can create and do and see, all from home. What a wonderful thing we have here!

My family has been such a strongpoint for me as of late. Just last night Grandma called up and said she made a slew of food and to get over quick to get some. Of course ate up everything in sight, [except the roast!] and Tony, Sebastian and Molly got to enjoy leftovers too. Travis comes into town tomorrow [haven't seen him in over a year!] and tons of family including my other brother & his lovely girlfriend [two of my favorite people :)] and fun cousins coming to Mom's for Easter. We get Olivia this weekend for two weeks. Sebastian is going to have a hayday having his big sister here again. I swear, this kid was NOT meant to be an only child and it's a shame Olivia isn't here always. My mother in law and I have concert plans in May [and hopefully adding to the list!] and I have had fun writing letters back & forth to Monique in Portugal all the while missing her pretty face. I am just so, so very fortunate. All of these wonderful, inspiring people in my life to love. I could write a chapter on each one and how they impact me, but for space, I won't. Just know they each bring me something I cannot imagine my life without. Thankful.

I have [few] truly amazing friends in my life currently. These women are growing on their own path, all the while teaching me amazing life lessons, helping me grow as a person, and being an extension of myself while giving me another's perspective. Ah, the love!

I hope to make some new friends in this blogging world, because there are some really amazing people out there doing amazing things that I would love to be a part of. I hope to gain some new Mom friends to share similar child-rearing [I've always hated that expression! ;)] experiences.

Goals that have been inspired this week...

*GET ORGANIZED! [this will forever and ever be a daily, hourly goal. one day, i'll be the super mom that has everything, just so. For now, I will be the one who knows just where everything is in my mess, and is too busy living life (or browsing the internet;]) instead of organizing it. -great justification, right?!]

*Begin and STICK WITH a morning routine [hard for me who wants to stay up all night, but I know I will feel so productive waking up early!]

*Stop worrying [will never work, but I can sure try ;)]

<3 C


  1. This is a great post. I thrive on organization and when things aren't I get really grumpy and if things get really out of hand, I just stand back and look at the mess and wish I could will it away, ha. I need to work on MAINTAINING organization. :)

    I am a night owl too and love staying up late. It takes me a good while to shut my mind down. I need to a morning routine too.

    Worrying sucks. I wish I could do less of it.

    I agree that this blog world is full of inspiration. :)

    P.S. Thanks for the comment on my blog post. Red Velvet is in Springfield, MO on Commercial Street. It is a wonderful place.

  2. Thanks Amy! [I'm sorry I just now saw this!] I know you can understand how hectic life can be with the little ones running around [mine are the destructive type...not one toy comes out without the ENTIRE toy box being turned over!]

    I keep saying I will start a morning routine... now I just need someone to kick my butt into gear! Sleep is just so, so good ;]

    Hope you are feeling well this week! Love reading about the babyupdates, I remember [and MISS] it!

    Cannot wait to check out Red Velvet, those girls are so gorgeous and inspiring!!

  3. This was such a happy post, it made me smile! I think your 3 goals could work for me perfectly! haha I am such a night person and my partner is a morning person, so it's SO hard or the two of us to compromise! Waking up at 8 in the morning also isn't very fun...

    It's always fun getting the family together though!

  4. Ah I totally understand you there, Steff! My husband works nights and I work days.. some days we don't see each other. Compromise on "when-to-sleep" is a battle, ha! Usually turns out, we both stay up too late, and I gotta get up to early :[.
    You're right. 8AM is for the birds. And the people who have achieved my goal... ;] (NOT ME!)
