Monday, April 18, 2011


Sometimes life throws these obstacles that seem to bury us, but I believe each person has their own saving grace, if only they dig deep enough to grasp onto the end of that rope, to be pulled out from under. Mine comes in curly-headed form, by the name of Sebastian Kale.
There is something incredible about creating such
perfection. It's as if all of our flaws and impurities are put aside for our offspring.
I cherish this time with Sebastian. It's Spring and he is learning about how thing grow, rebirth, start over... today he learned ab
out Mama Bird. I tried to get him close but Mama B was protective of her eggs, understandable.. so he wasn't able to grasp the full concept. He did appropriately ask, tho, " Are You My Mother? "

It's amazing what this little man can do. As he grows, my spirit grows along with him. The challenge of having children young is you haven't quite figured out who you are yet... then they are here and it is no longer about your growth. My energy and thoughts are riveted by him and for two years I have been at ease with this. But as Sebastian's own mind grows, and it is no longer solely about basic needs being met, I have come to understand that I need to cultivate my own self, find out what will make me flourish.. as this and only this, will make me the best mother and role model to my son.
But most
importantly [to me], the lesson I am so very thankful to have learned at a young age, is we must not let life pass us by. We must cherish and revere the small things in this life we are given, for they are the most worthwhile. We must celebrate BIG and never accept that we cannot achieve what we desire.
It is these miniscule seconds that are missed in a blink, a turn on a head, a distracted stare.. these are the moments I am desperately trying to soak in and relish.

We mustn't forget to Stop and Smell the Flowers. Or Even the Weeds.... because it is these that mak
e life what it is, and make it truly ours.


1 comment:

  1. I cannot for the LIFE of me make that font smaller. Not sure why blogger hates me today! Oh well, pretend I'm REALLY excited! ;]
