Tuesday, September 25, 2012


So quite some time ago I posted I would be going back to school this year. And a year before that, I probably posted the same. It saddens me to say neither happened:(. I had full intentions of using my pell grant money to snatch up that OTA degree. Turns out, it is one of oh, four degrees that the state won't fund. Why? I never got to the bottom of that. Well I still went through the application process, funding process, all that jazz.. But then found out that of I wanted to further my education and get my masters in Occupational Therapy (which was the end goal) that none of this schooling would go towards it. Lame. Lame. Lame!!! So, the way I see it, it's go big or go home. Now I am all for setting my goals high and jumping in, but that is a HUGE financial issue. All that DEBT. That's what school screams to me. I desperately wish education wouldn't put people in the hole for half of their career.. What a scam! The whole thing makes me kind of sick. I'll dish out that money.. When I find something I just know I am called to do.  Dont get me wrong, OT would be a fantastic field for me to go into, and I truly believe I would enjoy it.. How do I know it's what I want to do with the rest of my life? Or should I say, until my loans are paid? That being said.. I put off school yet again.  I was bummed about that, but decided I would substitute at Sebastian's school this year. I filled out all the forms, got my fingerprints and background check, yet again.. Spent my money, got my sub certificate.. And the only thing I lacked was my transcripts that Tech was supposed to send off at thebeginning of August. I didn't realize they hadn't until a few days before the deadline.. Needless to say they didn't get it there in time. I got approved 5 days after the deadline :( I'm am so upest!! Figures.. I paid to go to college to get a good job. And once graduated, my college prevents me from getting a job using my degree.. That I paid for.
So. Back to the drawing board. I'm swamped as it is bonding, serving, property managing, and the occasional PI job.. But I am still ready to move onto something I'm really passionate about.
As I'm feeling all these doors slamming in my face.. Here comes an open window. I got hooked up with an awesome production crew filming a movie here locally. Im going to be working with make up and FX and be an extra in the film. I'm so excited  this opportunity presented itself. It's come at just the right time. I needed a new project, and for it to be in Theatre? Oh man, this girl is in heaven.
                                           <3c p="p">

Monday, September 24, 2012


Back to it!
My dell finally fried [may have mentioned that?] which leaves me little to blog with.  When I'm at working, there's always work to do and I never get my blog on, which I am missing.  Going to really try to keep up. 
I cannot believe how fast September has travelled.  It's already the end, and wasn't it just the first?  Funny thing with time, as always.. but it is more much too rapidly for my tastes.
September has been a beautiful month.  Ringing in Autumn this past weekend and the weather is absolutely gorgeous.  We went on our first family camp trip the first of September in Yellville, AR on the Buffalo River.  My bestie and her hubby made the trip up to camp with us a night [have I mentioned how much I love this lady??] It was such a great weekend.  I love these mini vacations when there is absolutely nothing [important] to do even if you wanted to.. so we sit, relax, enjoy, eat, laugh and sleep.
So, aside from attempting to relax and enjoy the few seconds of downtime we have, the rest of life is B.U.S.Y, just flat out so.  The kids are really loving school, Olivia is in a full day of school and Sebastian goes half a day.  The other half of the day he is whining about not being in school.  I absolutely LoVe the fact my kiddos love school.. but I really just need Sebastian to be a full day, because he loves it THAT much! Ha!  They are so busy themselves it is so hard to keep up.  Olivia has homework and is supposed to read 20+ books at home each month.  I think it is great her teacher requires this, reading is SO important!  Thankfully, Olivia is the top reader in her class! She is such a bright girl, I am so proud of her!! Unfortunately she has had a few issues in school this year. They have ranged from not completing work, interupting, being disorganized, talking out of turn, talking to neighbors and disrupting them, and talking talking talking! She is just a little chatterbox! She is a smart girl though, I know she will figure out school life is much more fun when not in trouble with the teacher :]  Oh! And I haven't posted those back to school pictures, yet. Here they are, making their lunches for the first day. My, they have gotten SO. BIG!!!
ANNNDDDD here they are! Excitement!!
We have implemented a "schedule" at home to help with some "spaceyness" and forgetfulness at home.  It also helps to keep the kids on task at home for organization.  Something we ALL struggle with, no doubt about that.  I wish so desperately I could say my home is spotless with everything having a place.. let me tell you, thus is NOT the case [though if I can get it to this point, I will be one. happy. mama.]  With two kids, and Tony and I working full time, life is hectic.. cleaning isn't always on the top of the list. 
Speaking of, Autumn is always my "feel good" time.  A time to clean space, a time to get myself back to being ME.  Over the past six months I have been distant from myself and my goals as I would love to achieve.  Now is the time to put the excuses, worries and procrastinations aside and go out and DO it, BE it, LIVE it and LOVE it. Cannot wait to share with you all :]
