Thursday, January 27, 2011


Ok, so after going on a 3 hour blog reading rampage [once I start, I just can't stop!] I decided to make my blog just a weee bit prettier, and join this crazy thing called the blogging world! I've steered clear thus far [like I need something ELSE to keep up with!] but there are SO MANY fun and interesting people out there that I wouldn't have a chance to know otherwise.. so I can't pass that up.

So I guess I will add some folks and hopefully they will add me back and we will get this whole thing a'goin' :] In case you don't want to go back and read thru the rummage of all my old posts, we will do a short and sweet meet and greet! HA!

Hellllo! I'm Crystal Lee :] I'm a free spirit with a big heart, devoted to my family and music, and probably wanna be your friend! [please no creepies, and let's leave the negativity at the door, shall we!] I have a million aspirations in life, and there is no telling what all I will get into. I use waaayyy too many comma's when I write/type, so don't judge! I am all about documenting life, even the minute details. Because guess what? In 30 years you won't remember that nice man at the coffee shop, or the way the sun looked just over the snow covered tree's. And these are all things that should not be taken for granted :]. I don't have a religion at this time, but I do believe in Love. I believe if we love our world and those in it, we can do only good. I try each and everyday to love those around me... even the ridiculous amount of idiot drivers in SW Mo... yup, them too. Anyways, this blog used to be named Useless Thoughts ... which is how I felt. Who would care about little ins and outs of my life? I'm neither interesting or glamorous.. but hell, I love to learn about other people, what's happening in their life and their emotions.. so maybe other people won't find these thoughts quite as useless. So here we go, bloggers! Let's make friends :D

Monday, January 17, 2011

.New Year

Resolutions... Most people make them only at the end of the year, and they are forgotten by now. Though, I make resolutions almost daily. I see each month, week, day as a new chance to make it right, to do what I planned, to help, to finish the to-do list, whatever the case may be.

Here are a few *january goals*
-Be More Organized! [checkk.]
-Practice Patience [[daily goal]]
-At least 1 contribution to society
-Become a therapist

The last one is tricky. Sebastian is doing therapy 2-3 times a week. May seem like a lot, but out of the 168 hours in a week, thats only 2-3. I know to make this work and to help my son I have to become the therapist. Do what they do, practice what they preach. It is hard, and time consuming. I get to feeling guilty bc sometimes, I just want Sebastian to be content playing by himself so I can just get the dishes done, do some laundry... but honestly, I have to take parenting to a whole new level. Sebastian requires different attention and LOTS of it. I have to put my other duties on hold while I have him, and use every possible chance to help him. This is a big goal, and will be one for the rest of my life. But for him, anything is possible!

I desperately wish I had time to make an artsy-fartsy blog [in all seriousness!] It would make it so much prettier to look at. But alas, the time thing... what I always seem to run out of. So for now, I will contine to document my Useless Thoughts on my boring blog for no one to read. Its ok, I'm an optimist :]