Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I have so much to catch up on, don't you love and hate when that happens? Each story and minute detail gets lost because you must rush to remember the big things, instead of dwelling on the small.
Memorial Day weekend came and went.. If I don't say it anywhere else, I would like to say it here... I have a deep respect for those that serve in our forces. Our country, as diverse and beautiful as it is.. has a lot of unity problems.. but I feel like those who serve probably feel the most connected. Many have died... many in vain... but we do not forget. The two on my mind this Memorial Day, is my sister in law, Monique who is in the Air Force currently and overseas and also my Papa, who just passed away in March. These Two are very special to me :] <3 you both!
This week was an off one.. but made up for it with a very normal weekend... Got lots of beautiful sunshine and enjoyed my family. Extremely excited to be getting Olivia most of the summer, we will be spending most of it outside!! First up, need to get a tent, ours finally died.
I feel on the brink of something big.. Crazy things happen when I say that, so I guess we will see!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I've been meaning to blog, but I haven't.
There's a small list of things in my life that I wanna do, but just don't. Hmmm. I should probably work on that.
Anywho! Anyone who is anyone knows that a large tornado did severe damage about an hour from here. I have a lot of family out in the Joplin area, but thankfully everyone I know is fine.. but there is so, so much damage. I'm headed out there in about 6 hours for cleanup, I just know this is going to be such an ongoing thing. My heart is so saddened by the loss of lives and homes and treasures.. but I know when I return tomorrow my heart will be so heavy for these people hurting from seeing it firsthand.
Friday we head out of town to Arkansas for the extended weekend. We're going to Fayetteville to see a show, staying in Russellville, and I may get to meet up with beloved bestie's Emily and Taylor in Little Rock. I've been looking forward to this weekend for quite some time and it almost feels wrong to celebrate it.
I have been one busy Mama the past two weeks. My big man is potty training! And doing so well :] I'm a proud Mama! But it is still in the "this is really cool" stage so I am constantly running to the [any] bathroom with Sebastian. Still, I am as enthusiastic and excited for him each time, and he is so proud :]]
Would love to stay and chat, but the alarm is set for 4:30. Whew.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

.Crystal VS Iphone

There is a serious love/hate between my phone and I. I hate the feeling of being attached to an object.. but with my job I have to be reachable by phone 24/7, so there isn't much option. I read BellaMUMMA's post about this yesterday, and it hit home. I work hard on trying to stay focused on my kids and "real life" instead of so much internet life.. but it's hard! With readily available news and everything you need to know.. Apps for this and that..and of course an extremely convenient camera... MY IPHONE IS TAKING OVER MY LIFE!!!! And this must end now!! I am making a conscious effort to weed out my phone and all of its contents, and bring real life back into my real life. I don't want my kids feeling this effect, that anything on that phone is more important than them... or growing up with their noise stuck into technology instead of books and bikes and mud.

So here's to change :]


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own.And you know what you know. You are the one who'll decide where to go.”

It's funny how appealling Dr. Suess is to my children, and how he writes about nonsense, mostly.. but from him are some gems I hold close.

Sebastian had his surgery yesterday. I tried to explain everything to him before so that he wouldn't be frightened or felt like he was blindsighted. I explained we would go to the doctor, he would put him to sleep and fix his ears. After going through this a few times, the only question Sebastian had was, "Suess?" So, we went with that. :] Here is Sebastian waiting for "Dr. Suess"to come fix his ears :]

Everything went as planned, just took longer than expected. Mama's anxiety rate was through the roof, but it's over. And I can sleep well, knowing and hoping and praying that was the last of our ear trouble for our poor man. One obstacle overcome!

I've been too serious lately. Of course, there is a time and a place.. but the "serious" things in my life have overtaken... and I'm taking my life back! Sometimes, it's within the nonsense that we learn the biggest lessons of all :]

What is life if we can't help but to laugh!


I'm thinking of changing the name of this blog. I've actually stumbled upon [no, not stumbledupon ;)] 2 other blogs with this name. When I named the blog I put what first came to mind. I'm horrible at naming things, especially things like "User Names" and "Nick Names" Uhm, I dunno, how about [insert something creative & witty here] ?

Anyways, I'll let you know what I decide ;]

It's gorgeous today! Thanks, Earth <3

Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting...so get on your way!