Wednesday, May 11, 2011

.Crystal VS Iphone

There is a serious love/hate between my phone and I. I hate the feeling of being attached to an object.. but with my job I have to be reachable by phone 24/7, so there isn't much option. I read BellaMUMMA's post about this yesterday, and it hit home. I work hard on trying to stay focused on my kids and "real life" instead of so much internet life.. but it's hard! With readily available news and everything you need to know.. Apps for this and that..and of course an extremely convenient camera... MY IPHONE IS TAKING OVER MY LIFE!!!! And this must end now!! I am making a conscious effort to weed out my phone and all of its contents, and bring real life back into my real life. I don't want my kids feeling this effect, that anything on that phone is more important than them... or growing up with their noise stuck into technology instead of books and bikes and mud.

So here's to change :]



  1. Yay, good for you! I think that's one of my biggest hesitations for going towards a smartphone/iPhone...they are too addicting and easy to get caught up in!!

  2. That is the TRUTH! Now it feels like it would be tough to get rid of it, that's a REAL problem!!
