Tuesday, October 11, 2011

.Where we are


Where we are...

Daddy Benedict
Still working for the Union, but happy to have a job.  Creating, crafting and playing guitar.  Is cute when he gets excited and works for hours and hours on something.  Makes Mommy not so happy when he sleeps and sleep. ;]

Momma Benedict
Still getting in the groove of work and school.  Learning nothing is predictable and we must go with the flow.  Trying my hardest daily, soaking up every minute.  Still annoying the family with my constant picture taking and the need to capture every minute.

Sissy Benedict
Excited to go to school everyday, befriends anyone she meets.. social butterfly to the max!  Mama's already worried about the boys... Into so many toys and books and ideas, creative too.  Loves to sing, dance and play pretend. Loves to be the boss ;] Always busy, but will hardly ever find her in a bad mood.  Wants to do everything, all the time..Can hardly fit it all into one day!

Bubby Benedict
Has learned that cuddling his mommy goes a long way ;] Loves practically every character from movies and books.  Reads like you wouldn't believe, and learns so much from his books.  Can stack blocks like a pro, and learning to play pretend with Sissy. Won't stay in his bed to save his life, but I can't say I complain when he comes and snuggles between Tony and I in the morning  :]

We wake up every morning with something to look forward to and we are thankful each day.  If everyone had just a little of what we have, the world would be fine :]


.Mommy Mess

A wet blanket kind of day..
Nothing seemingly going right but that's only my mindset.  I was feeling down and out and knowing I should hibernate for the next two days so I don't unleash on some poor, unsuspecting soul, but then my husband called with wise words of wisdom for a refreshing surprise. [He is really brilliant, but only opens up with that once in a while!] So I was starting to feel better and hating on myself less, then I stumbled upon some fantastic Mommy blogs which really put me back in perspective.

We all have these days. Finding humor in it is healing.

I love my kids. You know that by now, I mean.. I REALLY love em.  And they are a mess.  Sebastian is in the phase, he is really good when you are down there playing with him.  You leave him alone for some self directed play... you will find every toy down from it's place, dumped out, stepped on and forgotten in the rush to drag something else out.  This morning he got in trouble for tearing all of Olivia's books from her bookshelf all over the floor.  No good.  I don't know what it is about this family and their MESS.  I will confess, my mess is clothes.  I don't like to pick up clothes and I don't like to put them away.  I do like to wash them, and if I remember to put them in the dryer I'm REALLY proud of myself... then they sit there wrinkling all the while in the laundry basket.  But man. My kids. My husband... it's almost if they enjoy just seeing all their stuff, EVERYWHERE.  It's incredible they can even think with so much mess going on!   Trying to enforce cleaning up after playing is proving difficult and a constant job.  I don't want to constantly be harping on them to clean up.. but also need the good habit.  I can't think when the stuff is everywhere, surely they can't as well!
Then Livy, man girl can get DIRTY.  I have probably have spent 15 bucks recently on cleaning agents for her clothes alone.  I cannot fathom how during one day they get like that.  It's almost as if at school she covers herself in glue and rolls down the hallway.. Who knows what really happens there.

I've got a nice shed out back.  I may let the three slovenly Benedict's occupy the mainland, and I will float myself off to the very back of the backyard, and send detour directions so when you come over, you won't have a panic attack.

Or, I'll embrace it.


Monday, October 3, 2011


...It is all I have for you today.

It's officially Autumn, and absolutely gorgeous.  I'd take a day like today over and over and over again.  Work was..well..work.  A lot of spinning wheels.  But I don't mind driving around all day so much when it is the absolute perfect temperature outside.  When the kids got home from school we spent the afternoon in the backyard.. first picking up walnuts [is it slave labor is they want to help?!] Olivia was intrigued by the fact we could sell the walnuts to make money.  "How much.. fifty WHOLE cents??!" I told her if she could be a great big helper, we could use the money to buy her birthday presents [am I the queen of Scam Artist Moms?].. I've never seen a girl pick up walnuts with such vigor.  Then we got knee deep in the garden space.. it is definitely NOT a garden yet.. but soon it will be.  The kids we an awesome help and we actually got almost half of it cleared.  I fried up some eggplant for dinner [a first] and it was delicious. Deep cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed the couch [mmhmm. that couch thanked me after].
Livy's mom brought the rest of her stuff up here.. so it has been fun for both the kids playing with all of her "new" toys.. and it has been fun for Mama to go through all of the "new" books.  There is something about books.. I can't get enough.  Even if it is children's books.. maybe more so if it is children's books.. I just want to get to the heart of it, I want to find out where it's coming from.  One day... no matter where I live.. I want the walls lined with books.  Years and years of books. Floor to ceiling.  One shelf will be authored by me.

It's past late.. now we Rest. Stop. Repeat.

Gratefully Blessed.
