Friday, April 1, 2011

.April Fools

It would be nice to awake tomorrow knowing that today was a joke, but alas. No. That seems awfully dramatic, I didn't mean it that way, but it honestly wasn't a very good day. Remember the screaming post? From yesterday? Yeah this Mama has her tail between her legs, head down low and a shoulder full of guilt. Sebastian is sick. Again. I am quick to be hard on myself. Of course that's why he's been screaming. But of course, as the mother of a 2 year old, I couldn't have known that. Maybe I could have guessed, but not known for sure until the good ol' urgent care doc told me. And let me disclaim, Sebastian is always a screamer, not just this sick week. But still. Another trip to urgent care, another ear infection. Another round of antibiotics, another unhappy baby. My heart hurts. I cannot stand when my baby is sick. Especially because he has fought ear infections since birth, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why him. But of course, many other babies are MUCH more sick, so we should be thankful. It's just sad to see someone so helpless hurt so much. But I got him to eat dinner, so I feel like I'm mom of the year, HA! Hopefully he will be better before I know it. So, on a HAPPIER note! I am big on dates. I like to document things in life and love to look back at them. Well... two years ago TODAY, Mr. Benedict proposed :]. It was totally informal, he was completely scared, and did it in SUCH an "April Fool's" way I was mad at first, ha! We were on our back porch enjoying one of the first nice evenings of the year [much like tonight!] and he said "So... I have something to tell you.." in that "Uhm, I'm about to REALLY make you mad" kind of voice... Tony said my face "looked like I smelled a fart" [nice, huh?!] then he pulled out the ringbox, got a HUGE smile and asked the magic question. Ok, so hardly romantic, but pretty appropriate! I made sure it wasn't a plastic ring and a real April Fool's, then of course said Yes! Our One Year wedding anniversary is on the 17th of this month. Although we are too poor to do anything too exciting, and couldn't get Elton John tickets, we are excited! That's all for today. I hope everyone had a good April Fool's Day! Hope no one got fooled too bad. I was going to get Tony really good but with the sick baby scare this morning, it was hardly appropriate!

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