Thursday, March 31, 2011


I wasn't going to blog today... for the simple fact today was incredibly frustrating. But alas, from these days we learn.

Sebastian is a screamer. No way around it. He is also one of the most loving, sweet little boys. But for about a year now, he screams. For everything. If he doesn't get his way, if we ask if he wants to do something [even if he LOVES the activity.. he is to the stage where it has to be his idea] , if we say "No", use the word bed, or phrase "maybe later", "be patient" , or "in a little bit". Sheesh.

Let me tell you now, today was one of those days. Constant screaming. About everything. Over anything.

Massive Headache.

We have tried everything, that I can think of anyway. Threats [time-out, no more, bye bye, etc], whisper games, blowing in his face, even *gasp* spanking [said I would never], even EVEN *double gasp* mimicking the scream. nothing has worked.

So, as you would imagine, I have to have lots of "breathers" even going outside for a few where I cannot hear it. It's incredible how his little voice box can frustrate me so much. But at night, when he is my peacefully sleeping little angel baby, I begin to feel so. bad. He must be screaming for some reason, frustration I'm sure. He has been a slow talker, really picking up now but not enough to express himself. And he is a brilliant little boy, so of course his mind is way ahead of him.

Can someone send me a patience carepackage? I need it.

When I stop to think about it, will he really be continually screaming over every little thing in 1 year? [maybe] 2 years? [unlikely] 3 years? [we will all be in counseling by that point] so it is probably just one of the two year old things that I will [I don't believe it at this point...]

Laugh about Later.

Hopefully we will work out something that is really effective for him [and us] to tame this stage. In the meantime, I need to be a patient Mama [and rub off some on his Daddy] to work through this frustrating time in little man's life.


  1. Hang in there Girl! I know tha screaming can get frustrating. Anna still does but she's getting better. Its just part of the age!

  2. Thanks girl :] I've never met a screamer like Sebastian.. but maybe those vocal chords will get him somewhere someday! ;]
