I just so desperately want to title this post Spring. But guess what? It snowed yesterday, so I suppose not, ha! But I know its coming. All the pretty purple and white flowers in my backyard, the tulips are grown and about to show their beauty [Olivia and I planted them!] but they are harbored up a little longer.. saying screw this snow! I can't wait for my yard to explode to put some pretty pictures on here. So, business is still slow. And it sucks... not just for the lack of monies. But because it's slow because someone is STEALING my business. How frustrating is that? Being undermined and seemly stomped out by shady, snarky snakes. Alliteration aside.. I refuse to be beat! I just had a long convo with a dear friend about how I am not a competitive person, I like to go with the flow and just do and be. Well.. when someone crosses my turf, I have been proved wrong. VERY competitive! If they were just better at what they did it would be one thing... but I know I do things the RIGHT, MORAL way and I refuse to back down! Alas, since the lack of money I have taken up another side job.. Serving papers. Oh yes, it's as glamorous as it sounds. but really. You know, with all my little jobs.. it is definitely never boring, I guess I should be thankful of that! GOAL: BLOG MORE! I have indeed started a handwritten "Sebastian blog" also called the "Bathroom Chronicles". I'm excited about this even tho I started it too late [he's in his 2's on to his 3's!!] at least I started. Just the ends and outs of his little life and his accomplishments. My memory seems to be getting worse and worse lately, so I NEEDED to do this. I'm a freak about memories and cannot stand for them to be lost! SKB update! Little man is doing so well :] I'm so proud of him! We took him to his first movie this past weekend! Gave him the option to see Yogi Bear or Tangled and he picked Tangled. It's about 1.20 long and we made it an hour! Then I needed to change him [he needed a LOT of water to wash down the bucket of popcorn the size of him..] and then he thought it was time to play.. at the arcade! Well we went back in the movie and the minute we sat down he pooped. Surprised? Me either! So we went ahead and left. Didn't see the end of the movie but Sebastian LOVED it! His eyes were SO BIG when it came on the big screen!! Of course about 45 min in he would hear everyone else laughing and turn around in his seat to try to talk to all of the other kids in there.. haha he's my little social butterfly :] He really is so sweet. He is never shy [I'm happy about!] We had someone come to buy our car the other day and he came and sat down in the recliner while I was getting the title and such, Sebastian brought him a book and wanted him to read to him! L
OL boy knows what he wants!

On our way to the movies :]]
Sebastian seems to get "stuck" on certain books.. which is we have to read them 6-8 times a day.. and when we are not reading them he quotes them haha! First it was Goodnight Moon, then Cat in the Hat, then Green Eggs and Ham.. now Are You My Mother? It is so sweet. My bookworm. He is just like his Mama! Speaking of.. I'm currently reading On The Road, The Hobbit & Defending Your Child. I picked up a slew of books at the thrift stores this weekend so I'm pretty stoked to get into those. I always have too many going at one time. Ah, well! With that said, I'm off to read my book until Sebastian wakes up from his nap. See you soon :]
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