Tuesday, November 1, 2011


It would be nice if my brain came with a record button.  I lose so many thoughts and funny things the kids say due to running around, living life and not writing them down! Anywho..

So hype of Halloween came about the time fall hit.  Olivia has told me for 3 or 4 months now that she wanted to be a Vampire Queen.  Where she got that, I'm not sure.. haha, but it was decided.  I love her fearless originality and drive to make it just so.  I doubt Sebastian remembers last Halloween much, but anytime someone would ask him what he wanted to be for Halloween, he would answer "Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven"  this cracked me up for weeks.  And honestly it took me until I was typing this out to realize.. "Halloween" and "Trick-or-Treat" sound an awful lot like "Twenty-Three" LOL! Crazy man.  Anyways, we went to borrow a cape from a friend and Sebastian found a Pirate's hook, so that was settled.  These two are crazy! And I couldn't love them more.

Daddy was able to weasel his way out of a half night at work, so he could come trick or treat with the kids.  I'm so thankful he was able to.  There's just something about watching your kids have the time of their lives that you cannot share with anyone else.

It was too much fun.  Olivia was scared of decorations, even the really cheesey ones so that really made me laugh.  Sebastian was ALL about the candy.  Here's his routine.. Run at door, possibly trip and fall [occasionally cry] knock 1 time, whisper "trick or treat, thank you", attempt to open the door.. often succeeding. Once candy had be properly placed [in his hand] he would tear off yelling  "Let's go! Next one! I get more candy! YAYYYY!" Pretty awesome little dude. Yeah Yay!  He also kept saying "Let's go find Mary's house. C'mon Mom, let's go find her"  I have no idea who Mary is...Hmmm... totally creepy.
We made sure to stop at our next door neighbors house, and they surprised the kids with their own, decked out goody bag.  It was just super sweet to have them thinking of us and the kids.  Olivia always hollars at Steve while they are jumping on the trampoline and she can jump high enough to see over the privacy fence lol.  I love that they are so good hearted.  Tonight Livy and I are making thank you's.  I realized that we have not been very neighborly since we moved in.  We've of course met everyone on the street, they are all significantly older than us but very kind, but realized we should reach out to these people while we are occupying the same space..something that won't happen again!  It's incredible how people can be such a staple in your life [always waving at the neighbor when you pull in] then a simple move loses that forever.  Most of the time you aren't close enough to keep up with one another, so that period of life and seeing those particular people daily, is gone.

   These are the things I think about.  Sorry for the Rambling.

All in all, Halloween was Fabulous.  Only downside, I didn't have enough time [nor the face paint] to get dressed up.  That will be the last year for that, it felt totally out of character.

I can't stay inside this week, outside is much too gorgeous.


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