Wednesday, January 4, 2012


As the new year rolls around each year, I become more and more nostalgic.  I have always been a person who can sob over the past and shake like a leaf thinking of the future.  Life has a was of fascinating me, while scaring me to death.  As fast as 2011 passed us by, I am almost scared for 2012, as I am sure it will fly by even faster.
I haven't posted in a while, mainly because our computer is infested with nasty virus' and we are moreso waiting to get another instead of investing to fix this one.  But as 2012 rolls around, I hope to keep up a little better on my blog and documenting life in general.  Pictures, excerpts and things I have written down are all memories cherished that could have been potentially lost [especially with my foggy memory] so they are like gems to me.

Christmas 2011 is definitely one to be remembered.  With my family being split, and Tony's family being in Arkansas [and Portugal!] the holidays mean a LOT of running around for us.  Take Thanksgiving for example.  We went and had lunch with my mom's side of the family, ran over for dessert with my dad's side, then hurried out to drive 3 hours to get to Arkansas for Thanksgiving with Tony's family.  I love traveling, visiting, etc so much.. but I realize now it is time to start our own thing.  We decided we were staying put this year for Christmas, and were so so fortunate a lot of our family was able to come to our home to celebrate with us.  We are blessed with such an amazing group!

We started our own traditions this year, starting with our Christmas tree.  I remember as a child how special that one night was, when we dragged in the live tree, my dad getting so frustrated with the thing and the mess, then me convincing everyone we needed to be in PJs and blaring the Christmas music, and decorating the tree.  It was so traditional, so classic and made me feel so good.  As I've gotten older, the tree has had less and less impact on me, and the past few years it has been almost an afterthought.  We haven't ever put up a Christmas tree for our little family.  Since both the kids are in school this year, they learned everything there was to know about Christmas, and have created quite the obsession with the Christmas tree and screamed in delight everytime we would see one.  So we decided to do something a little different.  I found a very plain, quaint homemade Christmas tree on pinterest.  Showed Tony and asked what he could do.  I should have guess my wonderfully creative husband would put his own amazing spin on it.  It was year one, and the tree was a little bare this year, but it is something that can grow and change with our family, besides.. the kids love it.

As the New Year generally does, change has been brought. But it is the kind that is welcomed with open arms. There is never a better time than the present, to give yourself that little kick in the ass you've been needing.  To open up and take a good look at yourself, decide the best parts and the worst, and set out to create harmony in your own life.  I don't necessarily like resolutions, because I feel like life is an ever changing journey, and I am one to resolve to move mountains all year long.  But if anything, I am resolving today to focus on helping myself become the best I can, the person I want to be, an excellent role model and mother.  I spend a lot of time fretting on things that either don't matter, or cannot be changed.  If I can channel that energy into helping myself, I know that my world around me can improve by the simple changes I can make.

2012 is off with a jump start of clarity and Love.  Each day is so precious to me, for which I am so very thankful!  I pray it is a beautiful year for all of us. <3

With love,


  1. A homemade Christmas tree? You have to post a picture when you get your computer working! (And how do I always manage to see your posts like 3 weeks after you post them...I'm a little slow! ha)

  2. I love your comments, all the same! You are a sweetheart. Working on posting, now!
