Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I've been trying to figure out people lately. Why they do the things they do, and how to protect myself from them. People hurt! And I have hurt, unintentionally. This is probably the worst, when my words or actions are taken [or SAID AND DONE] the wrong way. I will be first to apologize, yet most of the time not granted second chances. Ah, well. I chalk it up to there are some people just not meant to be in your life.\
There are just so many childish people in this world, one way or another. I try to act "child-like" once a day, but not in a situation that requires responsibility. Such as, I will play pretend with my son and the neighbor kids. Sure I may look like a total freak running around in the cul-de-sac acting like a monster, but hell, those giggles and smiles are worth it. Yet, most people's definition of acting child-like once a day is say, gossiping with others, stealing what isnt theirs, not being capable of holding a true friendship. I wish there was a way to force people to channel these child-like actions into positive thought. Instead of spreading rumors, why not spread information? Helping people to get involved and care. Stealing, well we all know there is a soap-box for me on this one, but hello... WORK FOR WHAT YOU GET. easy as that. And as for friendships... well, I think there is a lot to be learned with them, and they grow, blossom, and become better than ever with age.Cherish them. Cherish the people who honestly care about you, because they are few and far between.
I can't seem to figure out how people are capable to turn emotions off. I want to acquire this trait. I am such an emotional person and sometimes not capable of separating myself. Such as, I am constantly hurt by people. I don't have a good wall put up, and it constantly knocks me down. I am getting much better about it, but I'm just such a softy and people are rude, period.
I deal with people all day at work, and mainly people I don't want to. I'm not being judgemental, but a lot of these people are uneducated and continue to make REALLY STUPID DECISIONS. Its hard to talk to them without wanting to smack them. Also, impatient people, and people who think that talking tough gets them somewhere. Another childish act... its like they think they can bully their way through life. I guarentee if people tried with just a LITTLE bit of effort to play nice, keep their mouth shut, and get the whole story.. life wouldn't be nearly as dramatic.
Ah, I'm just a soapbox today. It's really the people who have been in my life lately. I have my tiny handful in my circle of trust :] the rest of 'em... thems just crazy.

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