Monday, June 14, 2010

Oil Spill

I feel the need to give my two cents.
Take a penny, leave a penny.

I’ll start with.. I feel completely helpless. I know nothing of the workings of pipelines and oil drillings. I know nothing of the politics behind the scenes that none of us see. I know nothing of the inner workings of the government and how much they may just be screwing us over and killing our world for their profit and advantage. I have no idea how to help, how to solve this disaster our people created.
But what I do know, is if you are brilliant enough to come up with this operation of drilling oil and created underwater pipelines that pump billions of gallons of oil a day… would you not be brilliant enough to have a safety plan? A “worst-case-scenario” solution? Really? It truly shows our lives are run by one thing: money, with no respect to others or our astonishing world whatsoever.
I’ve been trying to keep up with the oil spill. But other new stories seem to be clouding the way. Such as: Lindsay Lohan’s SCRAM bracelet went off. What will the world do? The teen who decided to sail her little boat around the world [ambitious, yes. Stupid? Maybe a little.] I don’t mean to dog the girl… But the amount of rescue boats, planes, helicopters that were sent after her distress call…the ones that were continued to be sent even after her condition was checked… where is everyone in the gulf?? Where are the rescue boats to save the marine life? WHERE THE HELL IS BP?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!
I listened to NPR this morning. It was an entire segment on scientist from all over America the west spending time calculating and estimating and testing the AMOUNT of oil being spilled into our oceans everyday. SO MANY people are so caught up in numbers… how much… how much should we sue BP for.. How much money is it going to take to clean it up…how much oil it out there. Yet, the last news report I heard was they were gonna try a little mud, then they were gonna break off the pipeline that was causing the incident and hope it didn’t spill more. Hey estimating scientists….get your ass down south and FIGURE OUT A SOLUTION. FIX THIS!
BP has taken a stab at soothing angry Americans, airing a slick, multimillion-dollar national TV spot this week in which Hayward pledges: "We will make this right." Hayward also promised BP would clean up every drop of oil and "restore the shoreline to its original state." President Barack Obama said the money spent on the ads should have gone to cleanup and compensating devastated fisherman and small business owners.
Couldn’t have said it better myself…
I feel hypocritical getting so frustrated with these people… they are just people after all…. But I cannot wrap my head around why they spend so much time, energy, money on what they are going to tell the people… the numbers everyone wants to know! IS NO ONE WORRIED ABOUT THIS???
I get so frustrated just typing this Its hard to put conjugate thoughts together.
I want to help, so bad. I would love to give my time, but that is impossible. I would give money, but I am distrusting as of late, I cant believe it will get into the hands that will use it to make progress. What do I do?
What do we do? We are losing precious Earth here people….

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