June 11, 2011

Sweet Sebastian Kale got his very first Haircut!! For anyone who know's our family... this is a big deal!! As the years went by, and his hair grew and grew, his grandparents have been begging for a haircut.. Tony and I just couldn't! He had the sweetest little curls at the end of his hair, the hair that he was born with. Although he was constantly being called a girl, his hair definently gave Sebastian his own personality from the get-go.
This summ
er has been so hot already, and it's technically still Spring. I knew his long hair could be miserable, especially when he wouldn't keep it tied back and it constantly fell in his eyes. I would have killed to keep his curls for years to come, but I had made up my mind.. for his sake, the hair had to go. It took a bit to get Tony on board, but he knows how stubborn I am and I think deep down he knew I was right;).

We tried to make him an appointment and Blayne was busy, so we just went home and put him in his high chair and got to snipping! I had in mind to give him somewhat of a "Beiber shag".. but Tony said no child of his would look like Beiber and he chopped his bangs off short!
Then of course we had to have a little fun and definitely gave Sebastian a mullet. CUTEST trash baby, EVER!

Snip Snip, chop chop...

Annnd, viola! Sebastian and his big man haircut! He definently looks like a little boy now, don't you think?!

Sebastian's first look in the mirror at his new hair. See? He DIDN'T want his hair cut! [only joking, he was actually mad because I wouldn't give him the scissors, lol. He still has yet to make any deal at all about his hair!]

Although I did, at one point, sit down in my kitchen and cry, I'm now happy with the end result. So easy and much cooler for Sebastian :].
I can't wait to see it in person! The pic of his first look of it is priceless. Something you will remember forever.