Thursday, June 9, 2011

.Well Being

“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when your riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live!” - Bob Marley

I love everything about this quote.. We get one life to live, that we are sure of. It's all we have, so make it COUNT! There is little room left in our lives for negativity, the art of purging it out is a challenge but gives so much reward. It is hard for anyone to stay optimistic everyday, but there are simple practices to keep your self in check, and your being a well one :]

Everyday this week I have woke up with a peacefulness inside of me. A pure and simple love for everything in my life. The stressors are still there, they will never go away but diminish in the shadows of Love's light. All in all...


I'm so very thankful for what I have. And also for the things I don't, because this is what inspires me and give me aspirations for the future. I know what I do have is real and what I want is attainable [with patience] so I feel optimistic about all things in life!

I have found myself in a few seemily deep ruts the past 4-5 years.. now, in retrospect, each was a turning point, and a learning point in my life. I have flouished out of each rut with newly attained knowledge, optimisim and a love and vigor for life. For this I am grateful!!

Currently, if there is any "rut" to be spoken of, it is a lack of funds and a lack of an end goal. Of course money is on everyone's brain.. we are programmed this way. It is difficult to continue to be positive when money is very tight. But you know? This situation has made me more creative in obtaining jobs, and a harder worker. I now appreciate the value of the work I do because it is a complete neccesity for our little family! One thing I have been working on [quite successfully!!] is not compromising my family for money. Where there is a will, there's a way... and I have SO much will in my little heart for my family to be a strong, loving one.. that I know if I turn down an opportunity to make a few bucks for a wonderful close evening with them, we will be provided for. So far, it has worked! It's all the power of Love.

As far as "lack of an end goal"... this is something I've struggled with for the past couple of years. I know I have a LOT of drive, a ton of motivation, some awesome skills and wonderful aspirations... NOW, to narrow them down and go for JUST ONE?! It beats me! My #1 Goal is to be the best Mommy to my kids. #2 find work I love and DO IT. How is this so hard for me? I have a passion for a few things, a love for a lot of things... but to pick just one? I feel like I would be missing out on the rest! So far I have not picked any.. and and I do like my current work, mostly...I just know there is more of me to give and serve a better purpose. But I remind myself if I keep an open mind and generous heart, this too will work out. I want to go back to school to get my bachelors, but for the life of me cannot figure out in what. I would love to continue in my theatre degree but that takes a ton of extracirricular time, of which I am short on. I know if I keep focusing on this, something will make it's appearance to me... I hope!

If it kills me... I will stay positive.

<3 <3 <3

"The most beautiful glow isn't applied. It's cultivated from within"

"Happiness has no GPS. Get lost in something you love"

"When you pursue your dreams with purpose, self-doubt can't catch you."

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