Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I feel naked now, without my iPhone which was readily my camera... and with a dead camera with a lost charger. Tony found the cord today [YaY!].. but I still miss the convenience of taking the photo and editing it on the same device!

Work has definitely picked up here lately! It's funny how this business comes in swells. Bonding is up, but process serving is down. So.. people are committing more crimes but not getting divorced? Hmmm. Had to pick someone up today.. which is not my favorite part of my job. I like to make friends.. and really do not enjoy having to put on my bitchface and arrest someone. I would make a terrible police officer. I hate making mean phone calls, threatening people into going to court..and acting like a badass with a set of handcuffs and some mace.. it all feels like an act. But I think that's why I'm okay with it. It just acting, and sometimes I really am pissed off at these people..that's my money on the line, folks!

Sebastian turns 3 on Friday. This I cannot believe and kind of freaks me out. Three! Ah! He's big! And man is he big.. comes up to Olivia's chin, and SHE'S big for her age! But both of them are so healthy and active...I think we just have some awesomely tall kids. When I was 7 or 8 they told my parents I would more than likely be over 6ft tall.. thank god they weren't right! But one my Grandma's is 6 foot tall!

Anywho, off to create some things.
[Can you tell I'm scatterbrained tonight? Bed's a must.]


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