This weekend was a bundle of fun.
*We drove 3 hours with two kiddo's and made it with no accident's, no screaming, minimal whining and a wee little nap. SCORE!
*Hung out with my in-laws who are a bunch of fun. Shawn and Justine came over & Shawn and I created my next tattoo design. More on that in the future!
*Listened to Sebastian call Kim "Grandma Jess" all weekend... Jess is his babysitter?
*Had a full out shin-dig family style with a bunch of my friends from college. Russellville being the place that it is, all my friends ended up knowing each other, even though all of them didn't go to school there. Soaked up all of them. None of us live in Russvegas anymore!
*Operation Snuggle Baby... SUCCESS.
*Watched Sebastian wear his little heart out on having fun. Good feelings :]
*Paid way too much to drink Starbucks Coffee, but it tasted like $5 in a plastic cup which is...pretty good.
*Heard Tony say to someone.. "Yeah, we may be moving to Kansas City.." We may? Hmm. I think I'm okay with that!
*Also heard Tony say, to me "I may have broke your car..and I may have broke your computer.. but I'll never break your heart" I'm ok with that, too, cheesy. :]
*Came to the realization that Sebastian and Gluten definitely don't agree. Looks like we're in this one for the long haul. Bleh.
*Drank Sambuca with Kim. Love her.. hate that. YUCK.
*Enjoyed my family<3

What'd you do?
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