Thursday, September 1, 2011


Once again, life has gotten too serious.  Between work demanding constant attention and living the life of a full blown school Mom.. my brain is shot.  Lately I started harboring feelings and ending up feeling more or less numb, which is not me.  I am a person who lives and feels wholly, good or bad.
I have decided to take a step back and get in touch with my roots. Which is just Living Simply.  I'm trying to clarify my mind and help myself with the transitions of Real World and Home Life.. but even this proves difficult.  My job and everything surrounding my life outside of my home is not easily presentable to kids.  I work with inmates and their families daily.  Attornies and their clients.  Even the dirty end of the law, the clients who run.  There is nothing good to be said about that breed.. and is the farthest thing from what I want my children to grow up to know.  I'm very honest with my kids (at this age, Olivia) in what I do.. but have to keep it to a minimum because it's hard to explain to a 5 year old why I get the "bad guys" out of jail.
So this is what I am struggling with, but I know I can find the Balance I need.
I've taken to constant music therapy, yoga, books books and MORE books.. for both me and the kids, and just plain acting silly.  My kids want ONLY to play with me, 100% of the time.  At the end of a looong day, it's hard to muster the energy to be the gnarled dragon in her fairytale, or the tickle monster hiding under his bed.  But you know, when I do just let it all go and surround myself with their innocent minds and their fervent imaginations, I feel instantly better. These two are amazing beings of their own, and the passion and excitement they have for life is exuberant and fabulously inspiring.

Thank you babies, for continuing to teach me wonderful things I haven't had the opportunity to learn. You are incredible!


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